Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Sales - so good

This happened again this week, with universally-gloomy predictions for "black Friday," the opening of the Christmas shopping season. Yesterday morning, the Boston Globe, to cite one of many examples, headlined "Black Friday takes a hit from the economy" and highlighted its pessimistic account with the National Retail Federation's prediction of an 11 percent drop in Black Friday shoppers.
In fact, though, most people's incomes are no worse today than they were a year ago, notwithstanding daily references to "hard times" and casual talk about a possible depression. That reality was reflected in what actually happened yesterday: a 3 percent increase over last year's "black Friday" sales, which itself represented a fat 8 percent rise over 2006.

World / Region on Edge

the Pakistan / India situation over Mombai is worth paying attention to. You have a people's hate for one another and hair trigger's possible over this past weeks situation.

visit this informed website for monitoring the worlds' danger zones

Geek Tip 'O The Day - 2

for a well rounded and researched 'help' websites, visit the TechChick's

the high tech Mommy

Saturday, November 29, 2008

ah, a simple pleasure

yummy fresh made Dunkin' Donuts.......double chocolate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice treat on the way back from the Gym

What a show !

CMT's Crossroads presentation with Def Leppard and VERY popular Country ingenue Taylor Swift.

Geek Tip 'O The Day

to find out how popular search items are.....check here

This will show you how many people are searching for particular stories, images, and items.

You can enter your own search also.


you'll see musings about politics, music of all kinds, and other fun topics.